2825 Fish Hatchery Road, Allentown, PA 18103
Email: info@museumofindianculture.org
Phone: 610-797-2121
Friday through Sunday from 10 am - 4 pm
Closed Major Holidays
Featured Exhibit: Native American Beadwork
Tour the Museum
For over 40 years, the Museum of Indian Culture has been Pennsylvania’s premier educational resource center for people of all ages to learn about Native American history and cultures. Many of our exhibits are especially focused on the Lenape (Delaware), the ancestral inhabitants of our region. Visit us today and tour our diverse exhibits, peruse our research library, and experience the land we reside on by viewing our outdoor tipi and walking the beautiful Little Lehigh Parkway.

Museum Hours:
September - May
Friday through Sunday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
June - August
Thursday 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Friday through Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Admission Fee:
$5 per person
Children 8 and under Free;
Members Free
2825 Fish Hatchery Road, Allentown, PA 18103
(610) 797-2121
The Museum of Indian Culture offers a unique educational experience for visitors to learn about the history and cultures of the First Peoples of the Americas. We offer personal guided tours included with museum admission, which may also include interactive outdoor experiences and/or demonstrations (weather permitting).
Explore ancient Native American history. Learn about the Moundbuilders and other ancient ancestors of today's Native American peoples, and the impressive landmarks and ruins they've left behind across the American landscape. Learn about knapping tools out of stone, making cordage from plant fiber, and calling fire using primitive tools.
Imagine life in the time of European contact with Native Americans. Learn about what items were commonly traded between Natives and settlers during the Fur Trade era and early colonial period. See authentic beadwork, pottery, basketry, and more, handmade by various Northeastern tribes such as the Iroquois, Passamaquoddy, and Lenape. Learn about the relationships and conflicts between Native Americans and colonists that built the United States.
Experience the great diversity of Native American nations and their still-thriving cultures. Learn about Indigenous languages, inter-tribal relationships, and famous and influential Native American figures throughout modern history. See a variety of artifacts from different Native American cultures across the United States including kachina dolls, regalia, and weaponry.
Learn about the Lenape, the ancestral inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and their lives today. Explore our exhibits on Lenape history, language, contemporary culture, and the museum's relationship with Delaware Nation, a federally recognized Lenape tribe.
The museum offers a mixture of permanent and rotating exhibits. Please see our Exhibits & Collections page for current displays and details.